By supporting our mission, you offer researchers and physicians the means to progress more rapidly and to go ever further in the fight against cancer.
The financing and the lasting quality of the ISREC Foundation projects is mainly assured by donations and legacies from people who share our cause – the support of cancer research projects and the training of young scientists in Switzerland.
Become a patron of the ISREC Foundation
Join the circle of Friends of the ISREC Foundation and contribute to scientific advancement in the field of cancer research.
By becoming a Friend of the ISREC Foundation, you actively share our commitment to furthering cutting-edge cancer research. All donations are allocated to the support of translational research in the field of oncology in accordance with our missions.
Donating friends are kept informed of the supported projects and the latest news of the Foundation. They also receive the annual activity report.
The ISREC Foundation organizes an exclusive annual event for its patrons, offering them information regarding the activities of the Foundation and the supported projects. These happenings also include lab visits and meetings with scientists who present their work and latest findings in the field of cancer research.
By means of a donation
CCP 10-3224-9 (IBAN CH55 0900 0000 1000 3224 9) or
UBS, 1002 Lausanne (IBAN CH11 0024 3243 G020 3554 0) or
BCV, 1001 Lausanne (IBAN CH03 0076 7000 U032 9261 3)
AGORA – Shedding New Light on Cancer
Every ray of light is an additional glimmer of hope.
Support cancer research by acquiring one of these inventive and personalized, levitating lamps.
Built by the ISREC Foundation and located at the heart of the hospital campus, AGORA raises tremendous hopes and needs all the lamps it can find to shed light on cancer.
Thanks to your support, scientists and physicians working at AGORA can take quicker and more efficient action against this disease.
By sponsoring a graduate student
Young scientists who wish to gain access to the research institutions of our region can work in a research group for approximately 3 to 4 years.
By sponsoring a young professor
If affiliated to the EPFL (School of Life Sciences – ISREC) or to a Swiss University (Faculty of biology and medicine), the ISREC Foundation is offering this person the opportunity to launch his or her career as a researcher.
By sponsoring a post-doc
Funding for the development of projects of competence at the national level.
As a personal sponsor you can directly help a young qualified person to pursue his or her training in research.
By means of a legacy
If you wish to receive more information regarding one of these possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (021 653 07 16) or e-mail.