The Foundation is composed of:
The Foundation Council
The Foundation Council is the highest managing authority of the Foundation. It allocates resources, appoints its members as well as those of the Scientific Board, of the Management and of the Financial Auditors. Moreover, it approves the annual budget and the Foundation accounts.
- Prof. Pierre-Marie Glauser – Lawyer and professor of tax law at the UNIL (University of Lausanne), Associate at Abels Oberson SA BIOGRAPHY
- Mrs. Claudine Amstein – vice president – Independent administrator
- Mr. Yves Henri Bonzon – Head Investment Management Julius Bär / CIO and member of the Executive Board
- Prof. Pierre-Yves Dietrich – oncologist, Hirslanden Clinique des Grangettes
- Prof. Michael N. Hall – Professor at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, specialist in fundamental research and biochemistry
- Mr. Robert Mardini – General Director, HUG (Geneva University Hospitals)
- Dr Thomas W. Paulsen – CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Finance and Risk Division, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
- Dr Fritz Schiesser -Lawyer and notary public, former member of the Swiss Council of States, former president of the Foundation Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), former president of the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Board)
- Prof. Didier Trono – Full Professor, GHI (Global Health Institute), EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Honorary presidents
- Dr. Rodolphe Stadler †, president 1964-1972
- Mr. Jean-Jacques Cevey †, president 1972-1994
- Prof. Georges Muller †, president 1994-2005
- Mr. Yves J. Paternot †, president 2005-2016
- Mrs Catherine Labouchère, president 2016-2021
Honorary members
- Prof Henri Isliker †, 1964-2000
The Scientific Board
The scientific board is composed of experts internationally renowned in various fields of cancer research.
- Prof. Michael N. Hall
Specialist in fundamental research and biochemistry
Professor at the Biozentrum, University of Basel
Latest Awards
2021 Nessim Habif World Award
2017 Albert-Lasker Award, Fundamental Research
2012 Marcel Benoist Award
2009 Louis-Jeantet Award for Medicine
2003 Cloëtta Award for Biomedical Research
- Prof. Dr med. Andrea Alimonti
Solid tumor specialist and expert in the field of immuno-oncology
Director of the Molecular Oncology Department, Institute of Oncology Research, Bellinzona
Recent awards
2024 Cloëtta Prize
2019 Robert Wenner Award, Swiss Cancer League
2019 PCF Challenger Award
2019 Pfizer Research Prize in Oncology
2015 J. Steiner Cancer Research Award
2010 Swiss Bridge Award
- Prof. Peter Johnson MA, MD, FRCP
Specialist in the field of lymphoma and immunotherapy
Professor of medical oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, England
Latest Award
2016 Queen Elizabeth CBE Award
- Prof. Dr, Anne Müller
Specialist in the field of immunobiology
Full professor of experimental medicine, Institute for Molecular Cancer Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Latest Awards
2021 Cloëtta Prize
2012 Georg Friedrich Götz Award
2001 Dissertation Award Hygiene & Microbiology
2001 Otto Hahn Junior Scientist Award
- Prof. Dr. Federica Sallusto
Specialist in Immunology
Full professor in medical immunology at the ETH Zurich and at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano (joint professorship)
Member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Recent distinctions
2010 Science Award from the Foundation for Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases
2009 Behring Lecture Prize
1999 Pharmacia Research Foundation Award
The Management
With the help of Scientific Board, the Management selects the research projects to be supported and addresses its opinion to the Foundation Council. It develops and proposes a strategy of fundraising and assumes the tasks allotted by the regulations of the Foundation.
- Prof. Susan M. Gasser – Director BIOGRAPHY, WEBSITE
- Mrs. Aylin Niederberger – Managing Director
Our ambassadors raise awareness for our cause among our friends, patrons and donors.
- Mr. Didier Grobet – Ambassador for French-speaking Switzerland
- Mrs. Andreas Choffat – Ambassador for German-speaking Switzerland
The Financial Auditors
The financial auditors, whose tasks are allotted by law, are nominated by the Foundation Council and are re-elected annually. The current mandate was entrusted to Ernst & Young SA, Swiss Fiduciary and Audit Company recognized by the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants.
Fiscal Status
The ISREC Foundation is recognized as an institution of public utility and is subject to supervision by the Swiss federal government. It is entitled to tax exemptions on successions and donations.