
The ISREC Foundation has actively supported experimental cancer research since 1964.

Die Mission der ISREC Stiftung konzentriert sich auf drei Bereiche:

Support for projects encouraging knowledge transfer and collaborations between basic research and clinical applications.

Grants for PhD students working in the areas of biology, technology or medicine and focusing their research on immunology and oncology within an academic doctorate program.

Under a single roof, the AGORA building unites complementary interdisciplinary research groups working together to address major challenges and opportunities.

In Switzerland, more than 42’000 new cancer cases are registered each year. Close to one in two men and two in five women are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The incidence of this disease has increased since the beginning of the ‘80s, yet cancer mortality has decreased in most referred patient age groups. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, while breast cancer is the most frequent form among women. There is a steady increase in the number of full recoveries, and even better rates are conceivable thanks to the progress achieved in research and the translation of its results to the clinic. The ISREC Foundation applies its means to fulfilling this goal, in the hope of contributing to the development of new therapies in the near future.

Source: FSO – National Cancer Statistics

ISREC Foundation

Rue du Bugnon 25A
CH-1005 Lausanne / Suisse
CCP 10-3224-9

Contact us

+41 21 653 07 16